Friday, December 08, 2006


In bloom

Hydrangeas bloom in mid-summer in Michigan but in Montevideo they are in full bloom now. The flowers are attractive but, for me, the best part is the litmus test: they change color from pink to blue depending on the acidity of the soil. Pink means more alkaline; blue means more acid. The change doesn't happen immediately-- it takes a whole season-- but if you grow them you can make the colors change from year to year.

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Quick question for you - not really relevant to hydrangeas- but is your daughter in school there?

We're thinking of coming down for an extended period and are wondering what to do about schooling for the kids.

Any comments or advice you might have would be very much apprecieated.

Great blog, by the way. I read every day.


My daughter is in a bilingual school here. It's worked our well, but she had some adjustment to the Spanish half of the day. The school year is the opposite of the US calendar, so summer vacation is about to start.
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