Sunday, February 25, 2007


Tablado Tres Cruces

In many countries, carnival ends with a big blow-out celebration before Ash Wednesday (Mardi Gras, for example). Afterwards Lent begins. In Uruguay, that Monday and Tuesday are vacation days and many families travel to the beach. Afterwards Carnaval continues. I'm not sure when Carnaval ends but I have seen events scheduled in March. Uruguay Total and Observa show the day's carnaval schedule.

Last night,I went to a tablado at Monumental Tres Cruces featuring: Diablos Verdes (murga), Gurrumines (parodistas), Yambo Kenia (lubolos), Cyranos (humoristas), A Contramano (murga), La Mascarada (murga de mujeres argentina) y Curtidores de Hongos (murga).

Here's a video of Yambo Kenia:

And here's a short overview of all the groups:

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I have never been to "Tablado tres Cruces". I always went to "Tabare Basketball Club" but i believe now it takes place inside the Velodrome just across the road from the Basketball club.
Carnaval must be finishing soon but I believe there is a"finals" series. The final eight acts in each category will now go for the pricemoney at "Teatro de Verano" in Parque Rodo.
Good work,chuck!!!!
your ossie uruguayan friend
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